Mariam Flight: An innovative project aimed at getting the child of the hospital’s atmosphere in an aerial journey above the country, where the child can choose different journey routes with different sights and places to fly over.
Hayat Festival: The annual Hayat Festival in held to honor people who fought and won the battle against cancer. The festival is attended by people from all over the country and has a wide public appeal. The festival aims to break the molds surrounding cancer: The heroes get on the stage in front of hundreds of people to say it loud and clear: Cancer does not mean death.
Mariam Library: The project translates informative medical booklets and writes special stories designed to help patient cope with cancer. The project translates medical booklets which are handed to families in hospitals into the Arabic language. One of the notable releases of this project is the first children story about cancer, “Namour, The Little Hero”, paints a world close to the child, offering special content to which the child can relate in battling his fears and challenges.
Mariam Fund: This project offers patients financial assistance in buying special treatments which are not covered by health insurances. The financial support is provided through collaboration with healthcare services and hospitals. Also, this project aims to fund and help hospitals acquire new medical equipment, such as funding a new mammography machine for the Holy Family Hospital in Nazareth.
Mariam Doctors: The project offers many awareness and medical lectures about cancer presented by the best Arab doctors around the country. The lectures are given around the country in social gatherings, health institutions, schools and clubs. By doing so, Mariam Doctors facilitates access to information and awareness to all sectors of society.
Mariam Doctors Juniors: A branch of Mariam Doctors Project. The idea is to train and educate young doctors by the Mariam Doctors so they can present the medical and educational lectures by themselves and reach more and more people.
Mariam Day: Mariam Day, a full school day that offers students awareness lectures about cancer, along with many workshops and fun activates, all aimed at raising awareness for cancer in a new and fun way.
Pink October: A series of awareness lectures, conferences and lighting different places and buildings in pink color, taking place across the country during October, the worldwide month for raising awareness and fighting breast cancer. The purpose of the pink illumination is reminding women with the importance of early detection check-ups of breast cancer, which raise survival chances significantly.